December 21, 2020 Lori P.

Our Favorite Books in 2020

Did any of you read anything this year that stood out?
As we were all flipped on our heads with a pandemic, it turned into a year of grounding and intentional focus in the literature department. While I have a collection of industry (design and business) related reads that I could share, I really dove into different pockets of thought this year. Below are a few picks that were deep and solid reads for 2020.


  In the spirit of a doozy of a 2020, and while this one was already on the shelf, we pulled it for some grounding this year. Sometimes books have a time and a place—this one felt especially grounding this year.


I read this over a weekend—a quick, entertaining story. Smith captured her own transformative year and told her story in a way that had me so wrapped up in her journey. A story holding her history and look into the past, wanderings, and optimism—a satisfying book.


Historical, deep, and relevant, Wilkerson captures our nation’s history surrounding racism, a caste systems, and these “old bones” of this old house; America. This book will hit you in the feels and provide you a different or completely new perspective in history that you may have been taught otherwise. Solid. I recommend this on audio, but is worth having a printed copy on the shelf.


Complimentary to the first book listed, The Daily Stoic is a great day-to-day to start your day with a cup of coffee or tea, to meditate on, or however it fits in your daily routine.

Contemplating on the choices for 2021, but I already have a stack of unfinished reads that I think I’ll put on my radar to start. What are your favorites from 2020? Is there already something on your radar for the New Year? Give us a shout and share what is keeping you feeding that brain of yours.